#funny dbd moments
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atari-phantom · 1 year ago
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11/10 service at the Greenville movie theater. These guys genuinely deserve employee of the month. Or year, even. Went to the movie theater with my duo (the Mikaela) @bacondaddy
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forcedhesitation · 9 months ago
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dead by daylight-- the game where you can play as steve harrington from stranger things, and can get sent to partake in a match of murder hide and seek at midwich elementary from silent hill, where you can then use a lute to perform bardic inspiration from dungeons and dragons to give a bonus to your teammates, except for the one who is being chased by nemesis from resident evil 3.
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robinvouz · 5 months ago
This Bubba scared me badly after looping him for so long 😭
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mysteriouscup · 2 months ago
I promise these weren’t me, maybe 😶‍🌫️
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dizzieartist · 1 year ago
When teamwork goes hilariously wrong! 😂 @shanxpennywise
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magmacartoons · 2 years ago
New video on my Magma Dumps channel! Go check it out bruhhhs.
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wwhatevenisthis · 2 years ago
Nick Cage is in Dead by Daylight!
I already know I'm late to this, this video took forever to make ^-^"
Big thanks to all my friends who helped make this happen
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weskers-lapdog · 2 years ago
In the trrial staraight uo doing "It" and. by it? Haha. thlets judst say. Generators
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unnerving-presence · 2 years ago
Rant time but trying to farm BP with wesker is SO HARD. I suck at killer to begin with so I bring distressing and beast of prey to at try and max 20k but,,, I've actually been trying to hook and down people for points w the cakes but survivors are SUCH SHITS. I try to hook everyone twice and only down them after that since I usually only go friendly, but god forbid I hook someone!!!!
These fuckers kill themselves on hook then have the audacity to call me sweaty and a tryhard like??? You killed yourself????
I've had FOUR matches where 2 or 3 survivors dc on first hook or down then no one gets points at all.
I wouldn't care but the messages are so nasty?? Like bro I have social anxiety even on the Internet this is not enjoyable just be nice ffs
yeah this community is a bunch of shitheads honestly. even worse during the event.
“oh you didn’t bring a terrormisu? time to dc/tunnel you bc i’m a whiny ass bitch!!” like GOD SHUT UP GEGRGGRGRRGR
i feel like it’s way harder to farm now than ever. i haven’t played killer but the games where i befriend a wesker i always sacrifice myself for him not because it’s my code but also because i feel super bad since they usually don’t get more than a kill or a couple hooks 😭
doesn’t help that most people don’t even like going against wesker in the first place. it’s understandable but there’s really no reason to dc over it if you’re still getting points
sorry about the messages too :(( i’ve gotten the most negative messages from survivors so it does hurt receiving them. but survivors are also whiny bitches who sob when they don’t get a flawless escape.
killer is hard to play. not only because it can be hard if you don’t play it, but it can also be hard if you have that social anxiety. i still get anxiety to this day even thinking about playing killer. i understand it can be hard but i know it’ll get better :) people just fucking suck sometimes
if you are getting sick of killer or want to farm bps another way, don’t be afraid to ask to play with me. i’m actual shit but at least i’m using terrormisus now to level my feng and carlos :)
anyways i wish all non-bitch ass killer players have a wonderful day getting bps
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thebatinboots · 1 day ago
New vid up on the tubez; Pt 2 of our Dead by Daylight shenanary
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atari-phantom · 1 year ago
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So I finally get on DBD for the evening to play with my siblings @cameraclown06 and @bacondaddy and SHE WAS NOT KIDDING, APPARENTLY BACON HAS A LITERAL FAINTING GOAT BUILD. SHE WON'T TELL ME WHAT THE BUILD IS. Ignore me, the medieval peasant. I'm in a Knight phase.
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elfhchan · 4 months ago
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iamamindfreak · 9 months ago
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caelumroxas · 2 years ago
RoxasXIIIkeys Reacts To: Dead By Daylight Funny Moments #8
My reaction to Dead By Daylight Funny Moments #8 is available now!
Also, friendly reminder to come watch my gameplay on the latest chapter of Dead By Daylight that has recently released today, based on 1979 horror film classic, ALIEN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVfPbwKLGXo 
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dawnsplaceyt · 2 years ago
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twainxavier · 6 months ago
Hey bestie!
Okay, so basically it's just this funny little thing of John spotting the boys whilst they're on a case and tailing them confused why two ghosts from different decades are hanging out together doing magic stuff like he does. I haven't worked out how it's going to end yet but it's basically just like a funny "Well I guess these are my ghost kids now" vibe basically XD
Okay, as for a snippet, here's one of my favourite moments so far:
After a few more random loops, it would seem that the two ghosts found what they were looking for, as they sped up their pace and started practically running. It was getting far more difficult to tail them, certainly without getting noticed. Thankfully, John wasn't an amature. He went a different route to the two ghosts that would still end up in the same area they were headed to, and once again thanked his knowledge of London when the two ghosts appeared again. Clearly they'd found what they were looking for as they began frantically searching around the little alleyway. John watched from a safe distance down a connected alleyway, thankfully hidden by the shit lighting. The 80s ghost was pulling a bunch of random stuff out of a backpack that probably shouldn't have been able to fit that much crap in it. So the ghosts had a pocket universe, interesting. The smartly dressed ghost started skimming through a book the other ghost had handed to him, which John recognised as arcane of some variety. They were still searching around, tapping bricks and listening to walls, when suddenly the 80s ghost yells out to the other. “I've got it, mate!” He then pulled a brick out of the wall and reached into the cavity. John frowned and leaned a little closer, curious to get a better look at whatever it was the two of them had been looking for. He watched as the ghost pulled a small baby doll out of the wall, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. It reeked of evil. Even at this distance John could sense it, so strong it almost made him back off. The well dressed ghost flinched a little but then held out his gloved palm to take the cursed thing. “Right, let us put a stop to this, Charles.” The moment the object was in his hand, the ghost began reciting a spell that John was pretty sure he recognised. In fact, on closer inspection, he was pretty sure he had a copy of that book the ghost was reading from. The creepy little doll burned up in the ghost's hand, and he dropped it to the floor, watching it burn. “Well there we go, mate. Another case closed.” The 80s ghost grinned as he spoke, and then went over to pat his friend on the shoulder. “Indeed,” the other ghost responded. “And one less creepy baby doll in the world.” The 80s ghost laughed at that, and they turned and left the way they arrived. John followed again, even more curious about what exactly these two ghosts were up to. They were doing good, no doubt about that, but it didn't make John any less curious. Usually he was very in the know about these sorts of things, he wasn't sure how these two managed to slip past his radar. He continued to follow, until eventually the pair turned down an alleyway and walked straight through a wall. “Bugger.”
Okay so maybe it's more than just a moment but I love this whole scene sooooo yeah XD Thank you for letting me talk about this fic! I really need to get back in the saddle and keep writing <3
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